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  1. Today
  2. Please tell me I created a regular account but I can't log into the game, I can log into the admin account but not into the regular one
  3. Yesterday
  4. [I use Google Translate] I ask for help in finding the file responsible for the size and color of the Patriarch's lamp (not the officer's). file names *.spt (not patriarch) are known. However, I cannot understand which file is responsible for the color palette and sizes of Lamps for all three Patriach races...
  5. Last week
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  7. Hello everyone. In GIGA4 client version exists and issue with auction - item not present as lot in auction while character not in the game. Situation: I go to Haram Stockade and put sword in auction to sell. It pasted. But when I make logout - sword will desappeared from auction. When I log in back, a sword will be registered into auction automatically. I see it like an issue with wrighting (saving) item in DataBase. Probably someone can give me a hits - in which files I shoul find this Issue and may be give me a hint how to fix it. Thanks a lot
  8. Hi, thanks for the help, let's try it.
  9. bom dia, tudo da certo , porem quando crio a conta GM com grau 4 e sub-grau 4 ou 7, não consigo criar item nenhum %*<itemcode> (Gera um item) %*<itemcode> # (Gera varios itens iguais ) uso esses comandos mas não funciona . o que estou fazendo de errado?
  10. Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to install RF Server versions and 4.15 on one PC ? In case, i just want to play Offline, sometimes i use, sometimes i use 4.15.
  11. Oke Thank You for answering my question, Is there a free server zone besides Yorozuya? or a zone server that doesn't use a monthly payment system? cus sometimes when I use a VPS like Azure it suddenly doesn't happen and I have to replace a new server with a new IP
  12. olá, o arquivo que baixei nao contem na pasta do client o MiniLauncher.ini e nao tem o MiniLauncher.exe , não consegui completar o objetivo por não conter esses arquivos . o que posso fazer para resolver??? tudo funcionou até eu me deparar com essa falta de arquivo !
  13. eu peguei o ODBC.bat este site , e ao executar como administrador ele apresenta 3 erros , acho que ele nao encontra o caminho !!! como resolvo? até nesse ponto fiz tudo igual ao video .
  14. Follow guide and use files from thread. There is no problems with language packs. Unless you used wrong R3Engline.ini, it's included on this topic for a reason
  15. Can you help me with the LangPack reading failure please?
  16. should we use a dedicated server or just VPS is enough?
  17. Release server for player requires 16GB ram minimum. 8GB is just to play with gm. It does not depend on any secure
  18. so does that mean the main factor is not the server zone we use? but the specifications of the server we are using? are you sure about that? if we use a zone like owndev, Odin, Yorozuya, with my specification above still cant play more than 45++ player?
  19. 8 GB is just to test your server with 5 people. 16 GB is bare minimum for normal sever.
  20. how to make this can be play more than 100 players? i already try with 45++ players and always got crash after that. My Specification Server 80 GB SSD NVMe 8 GB DDR4 6 Cores >2.8 GHz Windows Server 2012 R2
  21. I tried upgrade to 2019 sql server and its works !! Thx for your time.
  22. It should work fine starting with SQL 2014 and newer, otherwise there would be issue on video guide
  23. I reset my pc and I did all like in your video and i got same issue "AccountDB Connect failed" when i run in admin "AccountServerSD.exe" This is my log (Default_2232_Server\1_AccountLogin\AccountServerLog\DBLog) : I checked my ODBC on Administrative Tools / ODBC Data Sources. if i upgrade my server to 2019 version, it will solve my issue ?
  24. Just re-check your DB names, sa and password, also ODBC. Should be no problem if done correctly
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