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- Yesterday
hi Thanks worked. I had to change the NPC Store also had it on 5 and changed it to 23 on my weapon npcs so i dont need to relog anymore for getting the talics inside it
Good evening you need to specify 7FF00000
I know where i need to add the 7FFFFFFF code but i dont know how the code work,i mean 7 is for 7 slots maybe ? but what is the number for favor/talic etc?Irtal01 is the keen talic code does it mean 711111FF is a 7 sloted +5 weapon in npc if i put this code ? I realy dont know and i couldnt find anything about it.
bops joined the community
- Last week
kien joined the community
avenbreaks started following Database For RFO 4.15 AOP
Where i finddatabase for 4.15 AOP Version ? and what list name database to create? i use siringuard
avenbreaks joined the community
[] Default Server and Client Files
fireshot replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
GM commands dont work like gm ring %*iixxx00 -
fireshot joined the community
- Earlier
nigeeee joined the community
Thank you very much for such a detailed answer on each point. This will help a lot in learning how to create a server!
1.RF_BIN\Initialize\ServerRate.ini 2.Client\DataTable\Store.edf and ServerSide file(NPCharacter.StoreList) 3.itemlooting.dat(serverside) 4.idk 5.purchase gameguard 6.edit client file>item.edf(guardtoweritem) 7.check ItemCombine.edf(client) and serverside file 8.gameguard 9.edit serverfile>RF_BIN\Map\.spt &[map]block.dat 10.gameguard 11.gameguard 12.edit bin offset(search keyword) 13.gameguard or search keyword 14.1.gameguard, keyword edit offset
RYS joined the community
mondene01 joined the community
alay4647 joined the community
Hello! As a person who has set up my own RF Online server for the first time, I don't understand at all which script is responsible for what. Please share instructions or transcripts of which file is responsible for what and how to edit it? As a newbie, I have made a small starting plan for myself, but I don't understand where to edit it! Below is my editing plan 1. Understand the basics. Where are the Rates, drops, etc. set. 2. Adding and removing your own NPCs 3. Editing loot in mobs (remove garbage) 4. Identifying bugs (find a list of 100% existing ones and how to solve them) 5. Make one loot picture on the floor the same for everyone 6. Make a single resource for turrets 7. Understand how combinations work and where to create them 8. Remove the camera zoom limit 9. Remove cloned HQ mobs 10. Add auto-loot (Premium) 11. Remove pop-up ads for the SHOP store in the game 12. Allow launching in 2 windows (Premium) 13. Remove the deduction of status points after a long time of not entering the game. 14. Add lvl to the name of mobs15. Loot pickup speed x2 If you understand how to edit the above aspects of the game, indicate at least in which files this information is. Thank you, I hope for your help
Niteflex changed their profile photo
Daniel Oliveira joined the community
rfonline Selling Map "Lands of the Lost"
Strannik replied to Strannik's topic in Software & Services
Suitable for any of the possible . Since the map is made on the basis of the bellato training camp . Can be used both on 223 as well as on 2232 and aop -
[] Default Server and Client Files
Niteflex replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
Finally, after 8-10 installations of SQL, I succeeded. Starting the server for the first time in my life took about 20 hours of reading forums. I express my deep gratitude to your guide! -
rfonline Selling Map "Lands of the Lost"
Kazuyama replied to Strannik's topic in Software & Services
what zone server are you using? -
Strannik started following Selling Map "Lands of the Lost"
Hello forum members and server administrators. I am posting my location Lands of the Lost. I made it for my server, but the server did not gain popularity. All geodata on the Map works. The location was remade from the Bellato training camp. For those who are interested, here is a video. Contacts Discord : strannik1907
[] Default Server and Client Files
FelixBeta replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
use this in rfacc.ini [Options] DBSTR = Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=BILLING;Source=BILLING;UID=sa;PWD=mypassword;Initial Catalog=BILLING; ErrDBSTR = LogLevel = 2 -
[] Default Server and Client Files
Niteflex replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
Hi, I have the same problem. Please tell me what I should pay attention to? I did everything strictly according to the video guide! -
Please tell me I created a regular account but I can't log into the game, I can log into the admin account but not into the regular one
[I use Google Translate] I ask for help in finding the file responsible for the size and color of the Patriarch's lamp (not the officer's). file names *.spt (not patriarch) are known. However, I cannot understand which file is responsible for the color palette and sizes of Lamps for all three Patriach races...
DefectCuba changed their profile photo
Arrchy changed their profile photo
Hello everyone. In GIGA4 client version exists and issue with auction - item not present as lot in auction while character not in the game. Situation: I go to Haram Stockade and put sword in auction to sell. It pasted. But when I make logout - sword will desappeared from auction. When I log in back, a sword will be registered into auction automatically. I see it like an issue with wrighting (saving) item in DataBase. Probably someone can give me a hits - in which files I shoul find this Issue and may be give me a hint how to fix it. Thanks a lot
Hi, thanks for the help, let's try it.
bom dia, tudo da certo , porem quando crio a conta GM com grau 4 e sub-grau 4 ou 7, não consigo criar item nenhum %*<itemcode> (Gera um item) %*<itemcode> # (Gera varios itens iguais ) uso esses comandos mas não funciona . o que estou fazendo de errado?
[] Default Server and Client Files
Kazuyama replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
Oke Thank You for answering my question, Is there a free server zone besides Yorozuya? or a zone server that doesn't use a monthly payment system? cus sometimes when I use a VPS like Azure it suddenly doesn't happen and I have to replace a new server with a new IP -
MOROCK started following problemas com MiniLauncher
olá, o arquivo que baixei nao contem na pasta do client o MiniLauncher.ini e nao tem o MiniLauncher.exe , não consegui completar o objetivo por não conter esses arquivos . o que posso fazer para resolver??? tudo funcionou até eu me deparar com essa falta de arquivo !
[] Default Server and Client Files
MOROCK replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
eu peguei o ODBC.bat este site , e ao executar como administrador ele apresenta 3 erros , acho que ele nao encontra o caminho !!! como resolvo? até nesse ponto fiz tudo igual ao video . -
[] Default Server and Client Files
Beelzebub replied to FelixBeta's topic in Server & Client Files
Got it now! Thanks Felix