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  1. sorry i dont know about russian language, but i try translate to english. if you need excel parser for aop 415 it's same with 2232 too. you can use excel parser 2232 to aop files, you can found in this forum here or you can buy newer parser C++ from trirozhka, it's usefull.
  2. like this? yes it's possible to mining to new map. just edit your .spt file look at resource.spt just follow the code , and dont forget edit your map.edf if im not wrong
  3. if im not wrong for ActType is type of Quest like kill monster, Quest Item etc. put value " 3 " for Kill monster, value "14" for Quest Item for ActSub is for monster code / quest item code, and ReqAct for amount of monster / amount of quest item For Quest Example. ActType = 1 = Conversation / Talk To NPC, ActSub = NPC Code. ActType = 3 = Hunt / Kill Monster, ActSub = Monster Code, ReqAct = Amount Of Monster. ActType = 4 = Collect Item, ActSub = Item Code , ActType = 14 = Conversation / Talk To NPC With Quest Item, ActSub = NPC Code , ActSub2 = Item Code. ActType = 14 = Conversation / Talk To NPC With Quest Item , ActSub = NPC Code , ActSub2 = Item Code. ActType = 15 = Complete Quest, ActSub = Quest Code. ActType = 17 = Look At NPC, ActSub = NPC Code
  4. are you sure with your zone and .ini config? open WorldInfo.ini look at Release Type change from Internal to Release, and dont forget change some value in zone server using strs or hex editor to activation GM command
  5. try using grade 2 subgrade 2 or grade 2 subgrade 4
  6. thanks for share.this work fine, and very helpfull for using old web parser
  7. long time no touch rf online files. but i can help you to give some clue.. you must edit server side and client side. for server side. storelist.dat ( for enable quest button) Quest.dat (for make a new quest( QuestNPCEvent.dat (for link new quest to npc) client side. store.edf (for enable quest button) Quest.edf NDQuest.edf better edit using Trirozhka excel parser Old Web Version or New Version C++. if you need example just pm me to get xlsx file or dat file.
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