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  1. hi. i trying to adding Council's Armor Effect into Warrior Armor Rare B 65 Accretia. i already convert item grade(Armor 65) to 7 on serverside and client side i already tried to edit SetItemEff.DAT and SetItemEffect.EDF but still no effects. any idea which collumn that i need to edit?
  2. ah i see. i was thinking that the example no need to edit. now i can use the exceltxt. Thank you i already edit the xlsx. but, for example. i edit the talic collector, to make the currency from gold to disena/cp. after i save and i used the exceltxt and copy and paste to the server and client still no problem. but when i log in and check the NPC. the talic still same currency. no different at all something wrong from my instruction?
  3. ScreenShot i already edit following the instruction on this topic and inside the config. but still error. i don't know why. is there any mistake regarding the instruction that i follow?
  4. i followed the instruction regarding the config file. but the CMD said Error unable to open the file. the address supposed to be like this right? D:\RF Offline\Parser\gu_in\ sorry because, this the first time i try the parser. i usually using the strutorian sorry if my english not good
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