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  1. "Connection Error [E:1]", anyone got information on how to resolve this issue?
  2. Hello, I've hit another road block on my journey to running a server. I'm trying to get one other person to start playing on the server and help design and develop the server to our taste. When I download my server to my friends computer, I get, "Connection Failure [E:1]". Does anyone know the solution to this issue?
  3. jojo2739


    Does anyone have detailed explaination of what each colum does as far as affecting booty prices? Right now my prices max out at 90k.
  4. Does anyone have a valid download for either Parser or Structorian? I've searched a lot over the last day and am having a very hard time finding a good source. Thank you
  5. Is it possible to see these in the game files of my own server?
  6. Followed by CGameServerView::OnCreate(...) : g_Main.Init() Fail! and Failed To Create Empty Document errors
  7. Moving on from that issue, when launching Zoneserver, I get a [ CashDbWorker::Instance()->Initialize() Fail! ] error. Can you offer any insight on this?
  8. I have SQL2014 specifically because I found the information on rfdev.
  9. RF_World has inconsistent line endings. Will not execute in SQL properly. How do I repair this issue?
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