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Everything posted by FelixBeta

  1. Why you need improve current CPU/RAM usage tho? RF Online eats like nothing compared to modern game. 4-10% cpu and 800mb ram is nothing
  2. It's a tool to save excel files into txt, not update related really as long as your parser use txt to convert
  3. Running anything below 2232 is very pointless and risky those days
  4. Updated tool. Fixed few file issues and added mipmap cutting if DDS was saved with them.
  5. Annoyed by .rep file editing so updated spr tool. Now you can just convert spr to get dds and dat file, then open dat file with notepad++ and edit what you need, sizes are auto-calculated. Basic usage: 1. To unpack, simply drag and drop your file.spr file onto the executable. You will result with a dds files and dat file that can be edited in Notepad++. 2. To repack, drag and drop your file.dat file onto the executable to create an file.spr file. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ozgp89o5unih178/SPRTool.exe/file
  6. 99% it's looking for price in billing db
  7. use this in rfacc.ini [Options] DBSTR = Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=BILLING;Source=BILLING;UID=sa;PWD=mypassword;Initial Catalog=BILLING; ErrDBSTR = LogLevel = 2
  8. Follow guide and use files from thread. There is no problems with language packs. Unless you used wrong R3Engline.ini, it's included on this topic for a reason
  9. Release server for player requires 16GB ram minimum. 8GB is just to play with gm. It does not depend on any secure
  10. 8 GB is just to test your server with 5 people. 16 GB is bare minimum for normal sever.
  11. It should work fine starting with SQL 2014 and newer, otherwise there would be issue on video guide
  12. Just re-check your DB names, sa and password, also ODBC. Should be no problem if done correctly
  13. У трироги в с++ парсере есть русский перевод. Но нужен ли 4.15 - загадка )
  14. That means AccountServer can't access your RF_User db
  15. Made handy tool to unpack and repack NDLanguage.dat to editable .txt that does not require you to track text length or total count. Basic usage: 1. To unpack, simply drag and drop your NDLanguage.dat (not edf) file onto the executable. You will result with a NDLanguage.txt that can be edited in Notepad++. 2. To repack, drag and drop your NDLanguage.txt file onto the executable to create an NDLanguage.dat file. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fbzx905smp1ujsj/NDLanguageTool.exe/file
  16. You do realize that your information is not enough to many any conclusion?
  17. Maybe due to "stackable" item, without module you can't buy smth with pvp points that can be purchased with item number selection
  18. Follow point npc example with pvp weapons in hq
  19. Have you looked in Guides subforum? Anything about teaching something usually goes there
  20. Basically it's a glow/aura. You can examine race leader aura effect to understand how it works. Or lonely wolf potion effect
  21. You basically use Spr2DDS tool to edit game icons and throw .rep file onto Spr2DDS to convert back. You don't edit cutted imagines because they dont save any alpha information and look ugly
  22. As stated earlier,you may need tweak offset to use gm commands or use some gameguard, or run server in internal mode
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