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Everything posted by FelixBeta

  1. tbl_AccountTrunk if you mean bank. But not sure of such old version even has a bank system
  2. Well you were talking about GM account, because you mentioned pInsert_Staff procedure. To login gm account you need add ! before login. As for normal account, you would need add BILLING entry of that account
  3. Parser is literally on this forum
  4. Those are commands from 2232 server. You may need tweak offset to use gm commands or use some gameguard
  5. Works perfectly as long as you use it on SQL 2014 or newer (2014 recommended). Older version may have issues
  6. Updated tool, gives better naming without removing .RFS or adding extra one.
  7. If you mean 2022 "timegate" thing, for that you would need a game guard or if you are using yorozuya, there was somewhere a dll shared with fix. But no one knows what's inside it
  8. For that you would need to be a Odin Secure customer. It's just part of guide for customers It's a paid product, so just skip that part.
  9. Video tutorial of how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and RF Online server and client. Server and client files:
  10. I've been using various RFS Unpack and Repack tools for quite some time. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For instance, some tools unpack files into the current folder, while others require you to drag and drop all the files from a folder to create an RFS file. I've developed my own tool that operates in a way that makes sense to me, and I hope you'll find it useful as well. Basic usage: 1. To unpack, simply drag and drop your .RFS file onto the executable. The files will be unpacked into a folder named %RFSNAME%.extract. You can drop multiple files simultaneously. 2. To repack, drag and drop your %RFSNAME%.extract folder onto the executable to create an RFS file. Again, you can drop multiple folders at once. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7ddkxcxus0mjtgb/RFSTool.exe/file
  11. I believe this can be fixed by changing sql connection driver in zone server rfacc.ini (I don't remember for sure since I don't work with AoP) To something like this: [Options] DBSTR = Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=BILLING;Source=BILLING;UID=sa;PWD=123456;Initial Catalog=BILLING; ErrDBSTR = LogLevel = 2 But this will work only if custom billing reads it
  12. Certainly. Original forum had plenty of great guides and releases, sadly it got lost. If you can post something - feel free to do it. Just don't forget to include original author mention
  13. perhaps you break the client formula, or didn't compile client side. Can be anything Be careful with what you edit and compile, looks at files dates, and don't forget to do client dat->edf
  14. you missed 2 step sir. You should just edit 1 path in the beginning. You don't need to edit file path. All you need is to change WorkDir = "C:/RF_Online/Parser" to WorkDir = "D:/RF/Parser"
  15. Making path with spaces is not good idea in any situation, consider just rename it
  16. You can use xammp from PHP Parser topic, works fine. But for CCR launcher you would need to edit configs for sure
  17. Downloaded via different pc, worked fine. Maybe try vpn?
  18. I would like to share with you guys my tool for saving each spreadsheet list in excel file to make life easier when you work with PHP parser. Everyone knows how it's tricky to save each text file when you work on excel files for your server/client. Now you can just save excel files and run this tool, it will save all lists as tab delimited text files (be careful to name your lists the way parser wants, otherwise it will compile different file). Tool configured for excels (default parser from forum fits well), but you can change ini for any version. Basic usage: 1. Unpack it somewhere, preferably near parser folder. 2. Open config.ini and edit path to your parser folder where gu_in folder is located. 3. Run ExcelTxt.exe Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1q0zuj8rextb7pz/ExcelTxt.7z/file Author: FelixBeta
  19. Here is fixed default php excel parser from TriRozhka. For most of my projects I use specifically php version due to more flexibility. This is end of sale free version that does not include map parser. It will be a great tool for learning and developing your server. Forget about DatEdit and 010 You can also purchase C++ version directly from him. There is no guide for now, but your basic steps would be: - Edit Excel file and save it. - Click on spreadsheet list and click Save As (pick tab delimited txt file) and save your txt file. - Do this for server/client files that are changed. Most client spreadsheet data is linked to server via formula, so you don't need edit it. Only when you add/remove rows. - Compile via php in browser or cmd. Parser (English): https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ozhc4ifgmcoofo/Parser_GU_Clean_English_Fixed_2019.7z/file Parser (Russian): https://www.mediafire.com/file/2ov66e964i2fdw0/Parser_GU_Clean_Russian_Fixed_2019.7z/file Xamp (Apache + PHP) 1.7.0 (Suitable php version for running this parser): https://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP Windows/1.7/xampp-win32-1.7.0-installer.exe/download
  20. Here is my full list of GM commands that you can use on your server. Please note that some commands duplicate each other, some may require various situations to work, most commands require own syntax after command, like serial, type etc. Some default commands don't have names, but they are here in list and available in Odin Secure. ;;Add race currency. %show me the dalant ;;Add gold %show me the gold ;;Make yourself race leader %BossMe ;;Alter CW schedule, rough example %OneHourAfter 0 1 %OneHourAfter ;;Set owning neutrals guild %Set Settle Owner Guild ;;Clear owning neutrals guild %Clear Settle Owner Guild ;;Teleport to character %gotochar ;;Teleport to monster %gotomon ;;Give yourself premium %premium ;;Set guild grade to guild serial and grade. Example %Set Guild Grade 5 1 %Set Guild Grade ;;Set guild grade by the guild name %Set Guild Grade By Name ;;Set guild grade by the guild serial %Set Guild Grade By GuildSerial ;;Set yourself guild leader %MasterMe ;;Set your maximum level %altlv ;;Set server exp rate %setexprate ;;Teleport to npc by serial %gotonpc ;;Get npc quest %npcquest ;;Remove npc quest %delquest ;;Manage guild (propose GvG, add funds, expel players etc) %manageguild ;;Start guild master election %masterelect ;;Start cash shop event %conevent ;;Spawn item %* ;;Change account grade %change degree ;;Start event respawn %respawn start ;;Stop event respawn %respawn stop ;;Upgrade weapon %allmuzi ;;Show your xyz coordinates %xyz ;;Set your exp %altexp ;;Teleport to map (%jump Exile_land 0 0 0) %jump ;;Pass dungeon quest %pass dungeon ;;Make yourself invisible to any detect %transparent ;;Make yourself visiable %no transparent ;;Max attacking damage %max attack point ;;Min attacking damage %min attack point ;;Revert to normal attacking damage %normal attack point ;;Enable oneshot kill %matchless ;;Disable oneshot kill %no matchless ;;Teleport to racial HQ port (%port 0) %port ;;Teleport to racial Ether port (%eder 0) %eder ;;Teleport to transport ship %goto ship ;;Start chip war %start holy ;;Same as start holy %stone ;;Empty %stone bye ;;Same as stone bye (both commands does nothing) %keeper bye ;;Empty %servant ;;Same as servant %start keeper ;;Teleport to chip terminal %goto stone ;;Enable all loot from monster %beggar ;;Disable all loot from monster %no beggar ;;Send message to GM chat %# ;;Kick player %kick ;;Pass your quest one by one %pass quest ;;Summon player to you %charcall ;;Summon monster %moncall ;;Teleport to crag mines %goto mine ;;Copy player of same race and gender %copy ;;View total online %total ;;Kill yourself %die ;;Restore half of your hp/fp/sp %miracle ;;Restore full hp/fp/sp %fullmiracle ;;Make yourself invincible %neverdie ;;Make yourself mortal %no neverdie ;;Set level %lv ;;Set force skills PT %upfcitem ;;Set skill PT %upskill ;;Set force PT %upforce ;;Set all PT %allskill ;;Set contribute points %contribute_p ;;Set pvp points (currency) %contribute_m ;;Set animus recall time %recalltime ;;Set animus exp %recallexp ;;Enable/Disable monster respawn %monset ;;Set all force skills %full force ;;Spawn 4 inventory bags %threeseven ;;Clear your inventory %clear inven ;;Enable successful upgrade %god hand ;;Disable successful upgrade %chicken hand ;;Set buffs time %effect time ;;Clear all effects %effect clear ;;Show players number around you %circle ;;Set your set level and spawn equipment %fullset ;;Upgrade your armor %dfgrace ;;Set animus max/min/normal attack %recallattack ;;Set all your PT and skill PT to level 0-99 %allskillpt ;;Resurrect after death %resurrect ;;Create GvG field %createfield ;;Destroy GvG field %destroyfield ;;Regenerate gravity stone %regenstone ;;Destroy gravity stone %destroystone ;;Take gravity stone %takestone ;;Get gravity stone %getstone ;;Drop gravity stone %dropstone ;;Force take gravity stone %forcestone ;;Check goal %checkgoal ;;Show GvG schedule list %recvschedule ;;Show GvG battle info %recvbattleinfo ;;Show total guild rank %recvtotalguildrank ;;Show pvp guild rank %recvpvpguildrank ;;Change tax rate %changetaxrate ;;Set UMT delay %amp-set ;;Fill UMT storage %amp-full ;;Show server time %servertime ;;Summon party by part leader name %partycall ;;Summon guild by guild name %guildcall ;;Load your cash points amount %cashamount ;;Purchase cash shop item %csbuy ;;Set premium rates %primium ;;Set class refine event status %classevent ;;Take holy mental scanner %takeholymental ;;Set chip war status, start/end/keeper status like invincible or chaos etc %war ;;Set animus level %recalllv ;;Recover animus hp/fp %AniPow ;;Set nuclear effect %AfterEff ;;Remove skill/force delay %removesfdelay ;;Cancel auction registered items with logout %utcancellogout ;;Cancel auction registered items %utcancel ;;Save chat %chatsave ;;Drop jade by code %drop ;;Set ore amount %oreamount ;;Show remaining ore %remainore ;;Show server rates %serverrate ;;Show premium server rate %premiumrate ;;Set max/min/normal trap attacking point %trapattack ;;Set damaged body part %hitme ;;Start eventset %eventset start ;;Stop eventset %eventset stop ;;Set temporary pvp points %temp point ;;Refresh pvp killer list %new killerlist ;;End potion effect %buf ;;Attach/dettach lua script %lua ;;Ban player chat %userchatban ;;Set item loot rate %itemloot ;;Set mining speed rate %minespeed ;;Set skillforce PT rate %sfmastery ;;Set base PT rate %basemastery ;;Set animus exp rate %animuexp ;;Set player rate %playerexp ;;Set dungeon reward rate %darkholereward ;;Set premium item loot rate %pcitemloot ;;Set premium mining speed rate %pcminespeed ;;Set premium skillforce PT rate %pcsfmastery ;;Set premium base PT rate %pcbasemastery ;;Set premium animus exp rate %pcanimuexp ;;Set premium player rate %pcplayerexp ;;Give yourself premium %mepcbang ;;Get premium items %pcbangitemget ;;Expire premium %expirepcbang ;;Enable vote %voteenable ;;Show vote info %voteinfo ;;Set information for vote %playerset ;;Set vote conditions %envset ;;Set vote period %timeset ;;Set player timelimit %tlinfoset ;;View player timelimit %tlinfo ;;Set timelimit status %tlsysset ;;Set action points (0 - Process point, 1 - Kill point, 2 - Gold point) %actpset ;;Show action points event status %eventst ;;Set action point event status %setevent ;;Get golden boxes count %getboxcnt ;;Set hp % %sethp ;;Set full hp/fp/sp %hfs full ;;Punish player %punish ;;Remove punishment %unpunish ;;Update honor guilds list %update honor guild ;;Start cash shop discount event %startcashdiscountevent ;;End cash shop discount event %endcashdiscountevent ;;Start cash shop event %startcashevent ;;Look like race leader %BossLook ;;Set specific PT amount %changemastery ;;Empty %reportcrihp ;;Skip chip war schedule stage to next one %pass schedule ;;Empty %exit stone ;;Change all items amount in inventory to 1-99 %alterinvendur ;;Not sure, but something about PT %freesfbyclass ;;Spawn all craft materials %lootmaterial ;;Spawn all towers and materials %loottower ;;Spawn mine and battery %lootmine ;;Collect own or player stats information in txt file %charlog ;;Set guard tower. Cleans SystemGuardTower.ini! %makesystemtower ;;Destroy system tower %destroysystemtower ;;Remove archon message %removebossnotice ;;Create bank %trunkinit ;;Spawn everything for upgrade %lootupgrade ;;Spawn dungeon keys %lootdungeon ;;Spawn everything around you %powerloot ;;Kill monsters around you %powerkill ;;Complete another player quest %completequest ;;Loots upgraded item, but way not work %lootugradeitem ;;Add guild battle to schedule. Something like %addguildschedule Guild1 Guild2 23 1 0 (23 hour, 1 dunno what, 0 is bellato (1 cora, 2 acc)) %addguildschedule ;;%Setguildcolor 0 or 1 %setguildcolor ;;Current guild color %curguildcolor ;;Add one day to guild schedule, but needs many names :D %addonedayguildbattle ;;Empty %guildsuggest ;;Empty %guildinfo ;;Send combine result %excombineresult ;;Set damage to keeper %keeperdamage ;; %PatriarchAuto - Set Race Leader Voting with Cheat Possible.[Number 0 : Able to Vote with Cheat, 1 : Not Able to Vote with Cheat]. Example: %PatriarchAuto 0 %PatriarchAuto ;; %PatriarchProc - Set Race Leader Progress in order from 0 to 5. This cheat code needs to be preceded by %PatriarchAuto 0. [0 : Register Candidate, 1 : Additional Candidate, 2 : Start Voting 3 : Result Calculation, 4 : Apply for Board Members, 5 : Nominate Board Members] %PatriarchProc ;; %PatriarchInfo - VoteInfo Patriarch %PatriarchInfo ;;Remove pvp point limit %pvplimit ;;Increase playtime for coupons %playtimeinc
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