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Everything posted by Rayan

  1. hi Thanks worked. I had to change the NPC Store also had it on 5 and changed it to 23 on my weapon npcs so i dont need to relog anymore for getting the talics inside it
  2. I know where i need to add the 7FFFFFFF code but i dont know how the code work,i mean 7 is for 7 slots maybe ? but what is the number for favor/talic etc?Irtal01 is the keen talic code does it mean 711111FF is a 7 sloted +5 weapon in npc if i put this code ? I realy dont know and i couldnt find anything about it.
  3. Im using GU client dont have the wolf effect i guess fck aop
  4. I have seen some servers having a Glow with a text/Icon over the head when u equip the edit weapon. Somone can tell me how to add it?
  5. Dat Guy blocked me too and kicked me from his Discord server lol. He is stealing skins from other servers ! They payed a lot of money or created them and he is making guides on youtube how to steal skins and even sharing some of the skins ...he should be banned from all RF Dev Portals! He is Talking bad about the Odin Guard cuz he dont want to pay for it ! I like Both Guards Sirin and Odin but starting to talk bad about 1 inside my Videos just because Felix dont want to give it to me for free shows his bad Character !
  6. Great ! keep us updated please ! I hope u will Rock with ur game cp and i dont mind using it in Future when i open my server
  7. Not sure if something like this would work. But atm no1 is using the Item store in game cp and ppl using the shop ingame. But what about link the ingame Cash Shop with the game cp so u just can add the items easy and fast via the Game cp like i said i never seen this befor and im not sure if this would work but it would be cool
  8. Rayan

    CashDB Error

    Thank you ! I just replaced my rfacc.ini with urs and it worked ! wasted 2 days for nothing it was just a 1 sec fix XD. Worked well
  9. Rayan

    CashDB Error

    I got a new Computer and now i have to start from 0 and set everything up again. Everything worked very good because its now my second time setting up sql ODBC etc. But then when i wanted to start Zoneserver i got this error : https://ibb.co/6mgLWdN cashdb worker::instance()->initialize() fail!. i Hope someone know how to fix it and it may help more newbies like me in Future and they just need to search for this error.
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