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[AoP 4.15] Default Client and Server Files [Community, Synced][English/Russian]


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Those are community default RF Online Age Of Patron files.
Core of the files are PlayPark updated client as of 12.04.2021 and TriRozhka modified server files Nov 2016 build.
Client Information:
- Client scripts are synced with server scripts including general portion of Belzeebub update.
- Added Russian datatable with 2232 translation, Age of Patron content remains English.

Server Information:
- Server scripts are synced with client scripts including general portion of Belzeebub update.






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  • 1 month later...
10 hours ago, a0925302611 said:

When purchasing cash items and teleporting maps in the mall, customers experience no reaction for a while.

I believe this can be fixed by changing sql connection driver in zone server rfacc.ini (I don't remember for sure since I don't work with AoP)

To something like this:

DBSTR    = Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=BILLING;Source=BILLING;UID=sa;PWD=123456;Initial Catalog=BILLING;
LogLevel = 2

But this will work only if custom billing reads it

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2023/8/23 at AM1点16分, FelixBeta said:

这些是社区默认的 RF Online Age Of Patron 文件。
文件的核心是截至 2021 年 4 月 12 日更新的 PlayPark 客户端和 2016 年 11 月构建的 TriRozhka 修改的服务器文件。
- 客户端脚本与服务器脚本同步,包括 Belzeebub 更新的一般部分。
- 添加了俄语数据表和 2232 翻译,Age of Patron 内容仍然是英语。

- 服务器脚本与客户端脚本同步,包括 Belzeebub 更新的一般部分。






Are the server files and client files of this version free? Can it be used to open a server?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello, can someone help and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I start the aop server, the zonaserver is up, the login is up and there is no account. Who can tell me the installation sequence? Thanks in advance!

Edited by mikhei
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

When using GM command it shows Error (Authority). I'm using Default client and server. This is only for a test and local server. Thank you for the help.

**Please ignore.***

I changed release to internal. 

Edited by AkoBudoy
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
21 hours ago, Igor said:

Hello everyone, can you share the parser exel file

in English aop 415 

sorry i dont know about russian language, but i try translate to english.
if you need excel parser for aop 415 it's same with 2232 too.
you can use excel parser 2232 to aop files, you can found in this forum here 

or you can buy newer parser C++ from trirozhka, it's usefull.

Edited by ammandes
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15 hours ago, Igor said:

Привет всем,можете поделится з parser exel file

на русском языке aop 415 

У трироги в с++ парсере есть русский перевод. Но нужен ли 4.15 - загадка )

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